Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Pheonix, AZ-The Collins: A Fine Burger

 We were back in Arizona for some sunshine and warm temps. It was also our friend Beth's birthday. We decided to go out for dinner, someplace nice. I'm not sure why I always end up getting a burger when I'm at a place like The Collins in Pheonix, AZ. Their menu had quite a few wonderful offerings. No matter, I chose the Bistro Burger. (havarti . vine tomatoes . red onion . dressed arugula . dijon . mayo . noble brioche) It seemed to have more "basic" ingredients than the King's Burger. Cooked nearly perfect for my liking. I took a pinch of the patty alone to get the facts. What does it taste like without all the condiments etc. Pretty decent. A lot of smoke. The noble brioche? I wasn't sure what that is. A little research and I found that they are using a local bakery, Noble Bread based in Pheonix. Nice touch. 

By the way, Alice Cooper was in the booth right next to us.

Rate It: 4 of 5. I thought is was decent. Everything seemed fresh. I just wasn't feeling amazed. Maybe I was set up for something other world based on how good it looked?

The Collins

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